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GREEN BAY - Michael Poradek, Alder Candidate for District 11, invited his fellow candidates to join him in committing to a Nonpartisan Pledge on January 30, 2024. Of the 28 candidates, five candidates (see names below) committed to the Pledge to campaign and serve as nonpartisan officials if elected and to not accept partisan or external special interest funding.


“Our elections are nonpartisan for a reason: to focus our City Council on the local needs and interests of all citizens of Green Bay,” said Poradek. “This pledge simply asks candidates to commit to leaving party affiliations and special interests at the door if serving on the Council and to not accept partisan or external special interest financial support. This should be an easy pledge for any candidate to make."

Candidate signers expressed the need for voters to hold all candidates and officials accountable during and after this election season. “I recognize that this pledge will not fix the issues and division caused by the current partisanship in our city government and elections overnight. However, it is a tool to raise awareness for our neighbors in Green Bay to make informed election decisions and for them to question and hold candidates accountable," said Poradek.


Please see below for the text of the Pledge and signatories. 

"I believe partisan politics has no place in our nonpartisan Green Bay City Council elections.

I pledge as a nonpartisan candidate for City Council not to accept, encourage, or seek any financial support from any political party or external special interest group during this campaign.


If elected while serving my constituents on the Green Bay City Council, I will not represent the interests of any political party or external interest group in my work as a member of the Council which would compromise or interfere with my ability to serve the constituents of my district in my nonpartisan position."

Signed (as of Tuesday, January 30, 2024; 8 am):

District 1: ____________, ____________
District 2: Jim Hutchison, ____________
District 3: ____________
District 4: William Galvin, Dane Lasecki, ____________, ____________
District 5: ____________, ____________
District 6: ____________, ____________, ____________
District 7: ____________, ____________
District 8: ____________, ____________
District 9: Tarl Knight, ____________
District 10: ____________, ____________, ____________
District 11: Michael Poradek, ____________, ____________
District 12: ____________, ____________

All 2024 Candidates for Green Bay City Council were invited by Michael to join in signing the pledge by Tuesday, January 30, at 8:00am.

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